‘Mind is the only battlefield where a person fights for his own life and death, and the person who wins their own mind lives, who lost the battle chooses self assassination over life.’
Hello Friends
Today we will discuss a very important topic, this topic is 'suicide'. Let us first understand suicide, then we will discuss it, and why should it be discussed because its figures are more concerning than ever before. Let's talk about some statistics, there are more than 2 lakh suicides in India every year. Around 8 lakh people commit suicide every year in the world. India holds approx 17% stake in it. According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau, 380 suicides occur daily in India. This is a matter of concern. The National Crime Records Bureau data also provides classification on various methods of suicide, urban and rural conditions, and various reasons. Now as you are aware that 380 suicides happen every day in our country, it is definitely a matter of concern. Why does a person end his life on their own? Is the end of one's life a crime? Are there any other measures to stop suicide attempts? All these topics will be discussed.
You must have heard the news of many such cases in the society around you, in which the person has ended his life by various means. You may not have paid as much attention as long as this news remains for us, but when this news is made for others and becomes an accident for us, then definitely keeps us shaking inside. It is also right that humans can take care of their surroundings. Let us first understand the meaning of this incident. Suicide refers to the killing of oneself, self-sacrifice, abandonment of life. Suicide is also possible in a situation of transient tragic hyper emotionality and is also possible in a planned manner. For example, the selection of appropriate resources for the end of life which are easily available and the level of pain sensation is low in it.
Let us now discuss the origin of suicidal thoughts: -
The most important point of this article is how suicidal thoughts are generated. The idea of suicide arises in a person in a state of momentary anger, overbearing, depression, inferiority complex, hopelessness, loneliness, and extreme sadness. But if we can understand it properly then the inclination of someone towards possible self-induced suicide measures can be understood. Also, such ideas can be blocked. Some of the major points of origin of suicidal thoughts are being discussed further.
The desire to control over situations: -
Normally a person wants to control his circumstances according to his ability, he considers his responsibility towards fewer situations, and most of the time he responds to every circumstance in a controlling way. But he forgot to consider the truth that all circumstances and every moment of life are unique. One should keep the acceptance of this truth. Failure to do so or failure to control the circumstances fall him into bitterness and hostility. Sometimes their own defense mechanism also ceases to function, in that case mentally such thoughts arise in the person, which brings him to harm himself.
Family environment and developmental learning: -
Learning during childhood and adolescence happens in the family. The family environment plays a crucial role in the generation of suicidal thoughts if that family encompasses some negative environment. Various social psychologists have clarified that children who thrive under extreme pressure or conflicting environment Or thrive in contradictory environments or are kept under an extremely controlled environment, in which emotional development is distorted and destructive tendencies are formed, have less ability to respond to stress, and soon they get caught trying to harm themselves or others. Whether such children succeed or fail but emotional instability forces them to take such steps. Although the definition of success and failure in life is different for every person, killing a body is still murder.
The darkness of Expectations: -
Many moments once expectations become so wide that sometimes it goes beyond his capability, in that case, he evaluates himself as unsuccessful, He does not understand the formula of thinking and acting. Unstoppable thinking irritates and provokes to act or react negatively. Suicide is also a negative reaction towards one hard time. slowly, he develops feelings like ending life early and making a new beginning. These thoughts may be wrong, but their own thoughts become more tragic towards their own situation. If the situation of the other is there, then of course we consider this act to be wrong. If the expectation is lent to oneself, then its fulfillment can be considered but the expectation from other people or things is only a gesture of control. Which paves the way for mental imbalance. One of the most critical factors is Economic factors, which is also responsible for psychological pressure that is the major cause of suicide in the present era.
Psychological environment: -
The psychological environment is very important in the ideation of suicide. Some of these negative mental thoughts like Energylessness, meaninglessness, distracted and disintegrating ideology, long-term loneliness, feeling of isolation, lack of social support, Family accusing, deviations from normative behavior, stigma, separation, anxiety, tension, pressure, etc. are many psychological reasons that distort the person’s mental capacity and that person unable to focus his attention on problem-solving and adaptation behavior. Ultimately, he either lives on unstable mental health himself or steps towards measures to end his life.
Attitude with Prime life syndrome:-
In today's era, there is a lot of importance of fame in the media. Everyone aspires to achieve fame. He wants to make headlines in all types of media, whether he is competing to get more and more likes on social media or to increase more and more followers. Increased desire to live celebrity life in people, is also a factor that increases suicide.
For example, words like graceful, decency, and simplicity are replaced with attitude, crazy, and showbiz. Girlfriend or boyfriend become more important than a friend, news of affair more important than fair, Property become more important than peace, comfort becomes more important than happiness, Ego becomes more important than respect, desire to get more than sacrifice, all these things increased with endless desires, Making the desires shown in the cinema are very easy but crafting life according to it is very difficult. Many such disintegrations are associated with 'Prime Life Syndrome' which makes you drug abusive and alcoholic somewhere, Leads to nervousness and loss of temper due to it, gradually the person starts feeling jealous and goes away from the family, start living a hollow life, becomes lonely and comes in a situation where no one can understand him, if he does not get proper intervention, then the steps lead to suicide.
Triangle of Suicide (Thought-Attempt-End): -
Now we will discuss whether the idea of suicide is an attempt to end or a new beginning after that attempt. We have technically understood how ideas like suicide can be generated. Now the attempt is made where the person acts to end his life but he fails and in the eyes of law becomes a criminal or a mental victim. Suicide attempts are possible in emotional as well as fully planned form. We have identified some potential risk behaviors during interviews with police and victim's families. Let's Understand some potential risk behaviors -
The person says in a highly charged state or admits the reason for being alive or else he would die.
One day you will know my worth (more than becoming important, desire to get attention)
I want to be free from this disease, stigma, or curse.
I do not deserve to succeed. Consider himself unsuccessful.
Risk behaviors can also be measured by observing changes in nature, such as sudden behavioral fluctuations, very little talking, being depressed, death of a dear one, Crying too many times a day, distance from friends and family, being alone, feeling short of energy but still having no sleep, shock, extreme stress, anxiety, feeling hopeless, often failure, To be extremely angry with God.
Isolating himself when certain events happen, loneliness, inferiority thoughts, evaluating self as a failed person, lack of patience and intolerance in relationships, anxiety, stress, pressure, etc., and thought of making other people realize their value also leads to suicide.
The above thought-provoking reasons or risks of suicide that we should take care of. Only by taking care of our awareness and giving time to each other can control such situations before they arise.
Is suicide is the end of the problem: -
This is very easy to assess someone's condition after suicide. But it is very hard to say that suicide is the end of the problem or the beginning of the problem. Of course, the person who has ended his life may not be available to justify it but, all sorts of their own theories are created by the family, by the police, by society, and by social individuals. No conclusions can be drawn from all these theories, but the fact is that person's life is over. New challenges do arise for the victim’s family. Many questions arise which might not be answered by anyone other than that person. The family remains in the loop of what happened and they do not share the pain among themselves, maybe they are getting the same pain but they are not able to take the same step. Because the only result of this step is the end of life, there is no guarantee of the end of the problem. Therefore, in my view, suicide may be the end of life, but problems are only new beginnings.
Suicide is a perverse thought: -
Viewing and concluding a circumstance as a certain problem that influences the experience of life so badly that a person chooses death over life.
A wrong interpretation and biased analysis of the situation and realizing only the negative points.
By turning away from positive measures,
If one does not find himself in the desired position,
A 'perverse analysis' tells that there is no remedy left and steps planned towards death.
In emotional instability, punishment is given to oneself as well as the family.
Preventive Measures: -
Presence, support, and an appropriate role of parents in changes during childhood and adolescence.
Parents should allow children to keep their facts and right justification, adopting open ideology brings clarity in children's thought processes.
Controlling conflicting behaviors because your children learn more by watching you.
Do not make children ideological slaves with extreme control.
Monitor the changes in behavior: If found sadness, depression, stress, mental conflict, anxiety, please seek help from a psychologist.
One day in every month, the family must live together without any TV or mobile and exchange their views among themselves.
Do not get caught in the darkness of expectations, bring the light to your efforts.
Choose your speed according to your ability according to the path. You are the driver of your own life. Do not crash yourself in an accident.
Start talking to your friends about their jobs, relationships, targets, families, etc. Keep a friend and be a friend, who must be available for mental support.
It is most important that you keep empathy when someone shares something with you, listen to his problem patiently more than suggesting. Many times you just listen to someone's problem completely and their entire feelings come out of his mind, even more than that the person feels lighter and many times the solution is also found.
Is the termination of one's own life a legal offense?:-
Yes of course this is an offense but There are contradictions too. Firstly, a suicide attempt is a criminal act under Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code. There is a provision of imprisonment or penalties for failures, as not being dead. but if the person succeeds he is already dead. Section 115 of the recently arrived Mental Health Care Act 2017, Provide mental health protection to those who attempt suicide due to high degree stress, this act does not classify it as a crime.
Psychological Help:-
Psychologists often get the opportunity to analyze thoughts of suicide when they have someone with their mental state in which they have thoughts of harming themselves. The psychologist not only gives them measures to keep the mind and body calm but also leads them to look at the problem from a new perspective and move on to a new path of problem-solving.
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